The Best Devices screen is the ideal way to compare your device with the latest smartphones and tablets. By default, the page shows you a ranked list of devices ordered by performance.

Each score is an average of all the benchmarks results received for that model, with obvious outliers excluded. The average score for a device can be lower than the score from a clean benchmark run, as many people run benchmarks under less than ideal conditions. Since people use their devices in the real world and not a test lab, however, we believe that these averages best represent the true performance of each device.

You can re-order the list by name, performance, screen size, hardware (alphabetical), or popularity by tapping on the column headings.

The five-star performance rating is calibrated so that the most powerful Android devices available score five stars. This means that a device's star rating may change over time as newer, more powerful devices are introduced. 

Device popularity is based on the number of results submitted per model in the last 30 days.

Tap the FILTERS button to show more options. Use the TEST drop-down to see the list for a different test. Use the ANDROID VERSION drop-down to filter the list by a specific major version of Android. Use the SEARCH box to search the Best Devices list for a specific model, brand, CPU, GPU, SoC, or other text match. The search results include all devices that match your search plus your own device for easy comparison. For example, search for "nexus" to compare your device to all available Nexus devices.

Device details

Click on a device in the Best devices list to open its Device details page. This view shows your device and the selected device side-by-side for easy comparison. 

Areas where a device is superior are highlighted green. Areas where a device is inferior are shaded red.