The VRMark Orange Room benchmark produces an overall score when run on the desktop. You can use this score to compare the performance of different systems. The higher the score, the better the performance. 

The ring graphic is a visual indication of VR-readiness. It shows how the system's average frame rate during the benchmark run compares with the target frame rate for the test. The ring is fully orange when the system's average frame rate meets or exceeds the target frame rate.

The text below the score explains what the result means in terms of the quality of the VR experience you are likely to have with your system. You can qualify this further by running Experience mode on an HMD and using your own judgment to assess the quality of the VR experience. 

Orange Room benchmark score

Orange Room score  =    averageFPS × scoreMultiplier

averageFPS         =    The average frame rate
scoreMultiplier    =    A scaling constant set to 5000/109

The scoreMultiplier scaling constant is used to bring the score in line with traditional UL benchmark score levels. In the case of VRMark Orange Room benchmark, a PC with the recommended hardware requirements for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift will score around 5,000.


VRMark answers the question, "Is my PC ready for this level of VR content?" by providing a visual graphic and a score context statement with the result. To fully pass the test, the system's average frame rate must meet or exceed the target frame rate.

Benchmark passed    =    averageFPS>targetFPS

averageFPS	=	Average frame rate 
targetFPS	=	109 FPS on desktop or 88.9 FPS on an HMD 

When a system falls short of the benchmark's target frame rate, we recommend trying Experience mode with an HMD for yourself. You may find that, even though the frame rate is below the target, the actual experience with a headset is still comfortable and enjoyable.