The Excel test models common tasks when working with spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. 


The test design is similar to the PCMark 10 Spreadsheets workload.

The test covers two scenarios:

  • Common use
  • Power user

Common use

The Common use scenario uses a spreadsheet that is similar to the spreadsheet used in the PCMark 10 Spreadsheets Part 1 workload.

Power user

The Power user scenario uses the Building Design and Stock History spreadsheets from the PCMark 10 Spreadsheets Part 2 workload. These spreadsheets are available from the LibreOffice repository.


Common use scenario

The common use scenario simulates work with simple spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. The workload performs the following tasks:

  1. Start Microsoft Excel
  2. Open the source and destination workbooks
  3. Stretch the application windows from an initial state
  4. Copy data from the source workbook into the destination workbook to cells that trigger formula evaluation
  5. Copy data from the source workbook to the destination workbook to cells that do not trigger formula evaluation
  6. Copy formulas from inside the destination workbook so that data evaluation for the data copied in task 5 is triggered 
  7. Copy more data from the source workbook to the destination workbook to cells that trigger formula evaluation
  8. Plug specific values to three individual cells triggering formula evaluation.
  9. Save the destination workbook into a new file

The workload measures the time it takes to open the document, copy and compute, copy plain data, copy formulas, editing cells, and saving the document. 

Power user scenario

The power user scenario simulates working with more complex spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. The workload performs the following tasks:

  1. Load sheets with advanced formulas and big data sets.
  2. Recalculate data.
  3. Save the file.

The workload measures the time it takes to load the documents and recalculate the data.


The Microsoft Spreadsheets test score formula uses a geomean of the workload results to calculate the overall score.

Microsoft Excel score    =    

    K × 1 / geomean(R_1,R_2,R_3,R_4,R_5,R_6,R_7,R_8,R_9,R_10,R_11,R_12) 

K      =    scoring coefficient      =    7960
ResultDefinitionUnitTypical range
R_1Start application
s0.3 - 0.7
R_2Open document
s1.2 - 4.0
Resize document
s0.4 - 1.5
R_4Copy data and compute
s0.6 - 3.2
R_5Copy plain data
s0.1 - 0.5
R_6Copy formulas
s0.1 - 0.3
R_7Copy data and compute 2
s0.7 - 3.5
R_8Edit cells
s1.4 - 5.8
R_9Save document
s1.6 - 8.5
R_10Recalculate Building design
s0.5 - 7.5
R_11Recalculate Stock history
s1.1 - 12
R_12Close workbook
s0.1 - 0.4