Each PCMark 10 benchmark produces its own score, which you can use to compare similar devices or systems. Scores from different benchmarks, such as PCMark 10 Express and PCMark 10 Extended, are not comparable. Do not use PCMark as a unit of measurement.
P "Tablet scores 2,000 in PCMark 10 Express benchmark."
Í "Tablet scores 2,000 PCMarks."
Always include details of the hardware setup you used to obtain the score. Be sure to include the operating system, system hardware and version numbers for relevant drivers.
Using PCMark 10 scores in reviews
We provide complimentary Professional Edition benchmarks to members of the press working for established and reputable publications. Contact us at [email protected] to request a license for your publication.
Press can use our benchmark scores in their hardware reviews. We kindly ask you to include a link to https://benchmarks.ul.com/ whenever you use our benchmarks in a review, feature or news story.
Using PCMark 10 scores in marketing material
For business purposes, a commercial license is granted with the purchase of PCMark 10 Professional Edition or through our site licensing program.
You must not disclose or publish PCMark 10 benchmark test results, nor may you use the UL logo or other UL assets in your sales and marketing materials, without prior, written permission from UL. Please contact [email protected] for details.
PCMark 10 trademark
On the first mention of PCMark 10 in marketing text, such as an advertisement or product brochure, please write "PCMark 10 benchmark" to protect our trademark. For example:
"We recommend the PCMark® 10 benchmark from UL®."
Please include our legal text in your small print.
PCMark® is a registered trademark of Futuremark Corporation, a UL company.