The application version number applies to the software as a whole. It changes often as we update the application to add new features and ensure compatibility with the latest hardware. We recommend using the latest application version.

A benchmark version number—for example, Photo Editing Benchmark v1.0—is specific to a test. Benchmark version numbers change rarely and only when absolutely necessary to accommodate changes in third-party applications or bug fixes.

UL Procyon v2.8.1251 — July 23, 2024

Please note that updates to inference engine runtimes impact results and should not be compared to results from previous workload versions. Results from the AI Inference Benchmark for Windows from Procyon v2.8.1251 or later are not comparable with results from earlier versions of Procyon.


  • Overall runtime reduced from 3 minutes to 1 minute per model. This does not affect performance.
  • Scheduled update for the AI Computer Vision Benchmark TensorRT runtime from 8.6.0 to 10.1.27
  • Scheduled update for the AI Computer Vision Benchmark WinML runtime from 1.17.1 to 1.18.1. WinML FP16 and FP32 models have been re-converted using the 1.18.1 ONNX model conversion tool.
  • Scheduled update for the AI Computer Vision Benchmark OpenVINO runtime from v2024.0 to v2024.2. OpenVINO FP16 and FP32 models have been re-converted using the 2024.2 model conversion tool.  This patch also explicitly performs a deferred memory copy to make the input visible to the target device and optimizes performance by loading input data directly into device-visible memory. 


  • Fixed an issue in the Image Generation Benchmark where the UI did not correctly display the selected inference Device for the ONNX runtime. 
  • Fixed an issue where Image Generation ONNX runtime models would not be saved locally after being converted.  
  • Fixed an issue in the AI Computer Vision Benchmark where the TensorRT inference engine was incorrectly available for ARM64 Qualcomm devices.

UL Procyon v2.8.1207 — June 19, 2024

This is a minor update, benchmarking scores are not affected


  • Optimized startup time for the UL Procyon client.


  • Fixed an issue where the Video Editing Benchmark would not produce a result at the end of a benchmark run when ‘GPU acceleration’ is enabled.

UL Procyon v2.8.1201 — June 06, 2024

This update supports the release of the One-Hour Battery Consumption Benchmark and the Multi-Platform Battery Life Benchmark. Other benchmark results are not affected


  • Added the One-Hour Battery Consumption Benchmark
  • Added the Multi-Platform Battery Life Benchmark for Windows and macOS  


  • Fixed an issue in the Computer Vision Benchmark where the Real-ESRGAN test would fail to run when using the WinML inference engine on an intel iGPU.


  • Added support for Adobe Lightroom Classic version 13.3 in the Photo Editing Benchmark.

UL Procyon v2.7.1169 — May 27, 2024

This is a minor update that adds support for Adobe Premiere Pro version 24.2.1 for the UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark. This update also introduces a toggle for measuring video editing performance with GPU acceleration enabled, producing a separate score. 

In order to support the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro, benchmark scores are notably affected for and are not comparable with results from UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark version 1.2.404 or earlier.  


  • Added the ability to choose between supported AI accelerators for the AI Computer Vision Benchmark when using the Nvidia® TensorRT™ AI inference engine.   
  • Added a toggle for enabling GPU acceleration in the Video Editing Benchmark. These scores are not comparable with default Video Editing Benchmark results. Please see the 'UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark GPU acceleration Toggle' section below for additional context.
  • The command line interface now supports using license files for license activations through authenticated proxies.  
    • Please see this article for more information:
  • The AI Image Generation Benchmark definition file (for running the benchmark using the command-line) has been separated into multiple files - one for each inference engine.
  • The AI Image Generation Benchmark definition files now use device_id instead of device_type, allowing for a more precise selection of available inference accelerators. Please check the definition files for more information on the default values for device selection as well as how to query devices and change them.  


  • Fixed an issue where the device name was missing from AI Image Generation Benchmark results when run from the command-line and using the ONNX runtime AI inference engine.  

UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark GPU acceleration Toggle. 

Since Adobe® Premiere® Pro version 24.2.1, some video filters default to using GPU acceleration. As these filters are used in the benchmark, this behavior would break compatibility with previous UL Procyon video editing benchmark results. This would shift how the benchmark scales with system hardware from a balance of CPU and GPU performance, to scaling primarily with GPU performance on systems that support this feature.  

To prevent this issue, the Video Editing Benchmark defaults to not using GPU acceleration for these filters. This toggle provides you with the option to enable GPU acceleration for these filters, letting you choose between these two implementations based on your benchmarking requirements.

Note that even with this change, scores are not comparable against scores obtained using older versions of Adobe® Premiere® Pro. You should always take into account that updates to the underlying applications may affect score comparability.

UL Procyon v2.7.1108 — April 08, 2024

This update supports the release of the AI Computer Vision Benchmark for Apple Mac, with the addition of support for the Apple Core ML Inference Engine. Benchmark results are not affected.


  • Added support for Apple Core ML Inference engine results.


  • Updated the AI Computer Vision workload to version 1.5.290
  • The ResNet50 AI model has been replaced with a PyTorch-based version, as the previous ONNX based ResNet50 version could not be converted into Core ML. This does not meaningfully affect benchmark results.

UL Procyon v2.7.1106 — April 04, 2024

This is a minor update, benchmark results are not affected


  • Added a TensorRT device selector to the AI Image Generation Benchmark for when the system has multiple supported NVIDIA GPUs.
  • Added new warning labels to the AI Image Generation Benchmark for systems that fail to meet the minimum system requirements.


  • Fixed an issue in the Image Generation Benchmark where the benchmark would fail when run in offline mode, even though the AI models were downloaded onto system storage.
  • Fixed an issue where the benchmark would not correctly use FP32 precision with OpenVINO on some hardware configurations.
  • Fixed an issue in the AI Computer Vision Benchmark where the WinML inference engine was incorrectly available for ARM64 Qualcomm devices.
  • Fixed an issue in the AI Image Generation Benchmark where failed benchmark runs would incorrectly produce an overall score instead of a 0.
  • Fixed an issue where systems using Intel NPU hardware would be able to select the FP32 precision setting for the OpenVINO inference engine. Current Intel NPU hardware does not support this precision inference. 


  • Updated the AI Computer Vision Benchmark workload to version 1.4.289
  • Updated Qualcomm SNPE to version 2.20
  • Updated Intel OpenVINO to version 2024.0
  • Updated Microsoft Windows ML to version 1.17.1
  • Updated SystemInfo to version 5.71

UL Procyon v2.7.1096 — March 25, 2024

This update supports the release of the UL Procyon AI Image Generation Benchmark, other benchmark results are not affected


  • Added the UL Procyon AI Image Generation Benchmark


  • Fixed an issue where the UL Procyon application could not parse system info on some system configurations.


  • With the new AI Image Generation Benchmark being added to the UL Procyon AI Inference Benchmarks family, we’re clarifying our existing AI Inference Benchmark for Windows as the UL Procyon AI Computer Vision Benchmark.

UL Procyon v2.6.1059 — March 06, 2024

This is a minor update, benchmark results are not affected


  • Fixed an issue where results exported to PDF would be missing hardware monitoring graphs.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a “Visual C++ Runtime install failed with error code 1638” error would display, despite the update completing successfully.


  • Added support for UL Procyon to connect to the internet through proxy to confirm licenses, update, and submit benchmark results.


  • Files and documents are now prelabelled with “Public” sensitivity labels for environments that require documents to have a mandatory label.
  • Updated SystemInfo to version 5.70.  
    Starting with this version, CPU load monitoring data is now based on the CPU utilization metric, making it consistent with the Windows Task Manager. Please note that this means CPU load monitoring graphs from versions 5.70 and onwards are not visually comparable with graphs from results using earlier versions of SystemInfo.
    Benchmark results are not affected by this change.
    Please note: the CPU utilization metric can now exceed 100%. For more information, please see this Microsoft troubleshooting article.

UL Procyon v2.6.988 — January 17, 2024

This is a minor update, benchmark results are not affected


  • Updated the Procyon AI Inference Benchmark to show the correct version number of AI Workload version 1.3.276 
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘-export-pdf' command line option would fail with a ‘failed to write pdf’ error.

UL Procyon v2.6.963 — January 04, 2024

This version updates the Intel OpenVINO, Qualcomm SNPE and Microsoft WindowsML runtimes. Updates to SNPE and OpenVINO result in performance improvements on supported hardware.

Results from the AI Inference Benchmark for Windows from Procyon v2.6.963 or later are not comparable with results from earlier versions of Procyon.


  • Added support for Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite SoCs.


  • Fixed an issue where the UI toggle for SystemInfo hardware monitoring would become unresponsive.


  • Updated the AI Inference Benchmark for Windows to version 1.3.276

Please note: This patch does not display the correct workload version for the AI Inference Benchmark for Windows in the UI. The workload shows version 1.2.273 instead of the correct 1.3.276. 

AI Inference Benchmark for Windows runtime update - Version 1.3.276

  • Updated Intel OpenVINO inference engine to v2023.2. This runtime update increases scores by up to 5% for most supported hardware, with some components seeing more significant score improvements.
  • Updated Qualcomm SNPE inference engine to v2.17. This runtime update increases scores by roughly 10% on supported hardware.
  • Updated Microsoft WindowsML inference engine to v1.16.3. This version requires DirectML v1.13.0 or later.

UL Procyon v2.6.931 — November 13, 2023

This is a minor update. This version updates the Intel OpenVINO runtime, which results in performance improvements on supported hardware.


  • Added support for testing the inference performance of NPUs supported by the Intel OpenVINO AI Inference Engine version 2023.1.


  • Updated Intel OpenVINO AI Inference Engine to 2023.1. This runtime update increases scores by roughly 5% for most supported hardware, with some components seeing more significant score improvements.
  • Qualcomm SNPE workload changed to use the C API instead of C++ API, as Qualcomm is retiring the C++ API. Benchmark scores are not affected.

UL Procyon v2.6.920 — October 30, 2023

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected.


  • The simple-csv results export option now also exports the following fields: Procyon version, OS version, Application version, AI inference engine version.


  • Transitioned Java Runtime from Oracle v1.8.0_91 to OpenJDK v11.0.20.
  • Added Procyon Photo Editing and Video Editing Benchmarks support for Adobe Photoshop 25.0, Lightroom Classic 13.0, and Premiere Pro 24.0.


  • Fixed an issue where the Procyon AI Inference Benchmark for Windows would sometimes incorrectly run on the CPU when a dedicated GPU was selected when using the OpenVINO AI inference engine.
  • Fixed an issue where the language selection dropdown would not show any language options.

UL Procyon v2.6.848 — August 03, 2023

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected.


  • Fixed a rare issue in the AI Inference Benchmark for Windows where tests using the Windows ML runtime would use the Microsoft Basic Render driver instead of the selected GPU.

UL Procyon v2.6.847 — July 27, 2023

This update includes updates to the runtimes used in the Procyon AI Inference benchmark for Windows. Updates to AI runtimes changes performance. Results from the AI Inference Benchmark for Windows from Procyon v2.6.847 or later are not comparable with results from earlier versions of Procyon.

AI Inference Benchmark for Windows runtimes

  • TensorRT updated to version 8.6.1 GA 
  • Windows ML updated to version 1.15.1 (DirectML to version 1.12.0)
  • OpenVINO updated to version 2023.0
  • OpenVINO models updated to IR11


  • New FP16 precision option for Windows ML, OpenVINO and TensorRT runtimes 
  • New GPU selector for Windows ML runtime 
  • New device selector for OpenVINO runtime

UL Procyon v2.5.829 — June 21, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where AI Inference Benchmark for Windows would not use the selected component for running the test.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battery Life Benchmark video playback scenario would not correctly report version information for the Microsoft Movies & TV / Microsoft Films & TV App.


  • When running Procyon via the command line with the --loop command, exporting results to a CSV file will now export results from all loops into a single CSV file, instead of results from only the first loop.

UL Procyon v2.5.798 — May 4, 2023

This update supports the launch of the office productivity scenario for the Procyon Battery Life benchmark. Other benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Added the office productivity scenario for the Battery Life benchmark.


  • Fixed an issue where the Photo Editing benchmark would fail at the enhance details step in Lightroom Classic 12.3.

UL Procyon v2.4.783 — April 27, 2023

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Added support for MP Scores in the office productivity benchmark.

UL Procyon v2.3.745 — April 20, 2023

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Fixed an issue that prevented exporting results to XML from the results screen.

UL Procyon v2.3.713 — March 22, 2023

This update supports the launch of the new UL Procyon AI Inference Benchmark for Windows. Other benchmark scores are not affected.  


  • Added the UL Procyon AI Inference Benchmark for Windows. 
  • Added the screen calibration tool to the UL Procyon Battery Life Benchmark. 
  • Added additional system information to the UL Procyon Battery Life Benchmark results screen.


  • Fixed an issue where the UL Procyon Office Productivity Benchmark would not complete due to a “no permission” fail in the Outlook step. 

UL Procyon v2.2.699 — March 07, 2023

This is a minor update. This update includes changes to benchmark elevation state that may affect scores on systems using 9th generation Intel CPUs or older.

Elevation requirement changes

  • Removed elevation request when starting the UI.
  • Benchmarks will always run at a specific elevation, independent of UI elevation state.
    • UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark must be run as elevated.
    • UL Procyon Office Productivity, Photo Editing, and Battery Life Benchmarks will always run not elevated.   


  • UL Procyon Suite UI updated to version 2.2.349. It now targets .NET 4.8 and Visual Studio C++ 2022.
  • Updated all tests to target .NET 4.8 and Visual Studio C++ 2022.


  • UL Procyon Office Productivity Benchmark updated to version 1.1.
  • UL Procyon Photo Editing Benchmark updated to version 1.1.
  • UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark updated to version 1.1.
  • UL Procyon Battery Life Benchmark updated to version 1.1.

UL Procyon v2.1.657 — January 23, 2023

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Added the option to import multiple UL Procyon licenses from a single file.

UL Procyon v2.1.544 — October 27, 2022

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • The Video Editing Benchmark is now compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro v23.
  • The Photo Editing Benchmark is now compatible with Adobe Lightroom Classic v12.

UL Procyon v2.1.527 — October 10, 2022

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Fixed an issue where the Office Productivity benchmark would fail on some systems during the PowerPoint test PDF export step.

UL Procyon v2.1.459 — July 6, 2022

This update fixes an issue in the face detection part of the Photo Editing Benchmark that sometimes resulted in incorrect scores. 


  • Fixed an issue in the face detection part of the Photo Editing Benchmark where, in some cases, face detection did not start, causing the final benchmark score to be incorrect. This issue affects UL Procyon versions 2.0.325, 2.0.360, 2.0.399 and 2.1.457. Photo Editing Benchmark results from these versions with a "Face detect" result time less than 5 seconds are invalid and should not be used for comparisons.
  • The Photo Editing Benchmark now supports Polish and Norwegian language settings in Adobe Lightroom Classic.

UL Procyon v2.1.457 — June 30, 2022

This major update adds the UL Procyon Battery Life Benchmark for measuring the battery life of Windows laptops, notebooks and tablets.


  • UL Procyon Battery Life Benchmark.
  • You can now submit, save and manage your Procyon benchmark results on You can choose whether your results are public or private.


  • Improved layout and design of benchmark details screen.

UL Procyon v2.0.449 — June 21, 2022

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Results from Intel 12th generation “Alder Lake” processors with E-cores no longer have missing hardware information when exported to PDF.

UL Procyon v2.0.399 — April 4, 2022

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • The UL Procyon app is now available in Japanese. You can change the language setting on the Options screen.


  • The benchmark result PDF now correctly identifies systems with Windows 11.

UL Procyon v2.0.355 — February 21, 2022

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • The benchmark result screen now correctly identifies systems with Windows 11.

UL Procyon v2.0.325 — February 4, 2022 

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected.  


  • Updated the face detection part of the Photo Editing Benchmark to improve cross-platform score comparisons with the upcoming MacOS version of the benchmark. 


  • The Photo Editing Benchmark now produces an error notification if the enhance details part of the test fails to run. 


  • The Video Editing Benchmark is now compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro 22.3.0 beta build 29. 

UL Procyon v2.0.324 — January 21, 2022

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • You can now open a result with a single click on the Results screen.  
  • Added the benchmark version number to the benchmark details screen. 
  • Various interface and layout improvements. 

UL Procyon v2.0.303 — December 21, 2021

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores may be affected. The Outlook “new appointment” metric may be up to 5% faster. As a result, the Outlook test score may be up to 1% higher, and the overall Office Productivity Benchmark score may be up to 0.5% higher.


  • Modified the Outlook test for improved compatibility with enterprise environments with system policy settings and user access permissions that previously caused the Outlook test to fail when trying to save an appointment.

UL Procyon v2.0.289 — November 25, 2021

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected.


  • Fixed Outlook version number detection.
  • Fixed an issue resulting from Microsoft Word’s AutoRecover feature that could cause the Word test to fail to run.

UL Procyon v2.0.279 — November 16, 2021


  • The UL Procyon app is now available in Brazilian Portuguese, German, Simplified Chinese and Spanish. You can change the language setting on the Options screen.

UL Procyon v2.0.276 — November 3, 2021

This is a minor update.

UL Procyon benchmarks use real applications whenever possible. Updates to those applications can affect your benchmark score.


  • The UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark is now compatible with Adobe®️ Premiere️®️ Pro 22. 
  • The UL Procyon Photo Editing Benchmark is now compatible with Adobe®️ Lightroom®️ Classic 11.0. Please note that exporting an image takes longer in Lightroom Classic 11.0 than in 10.x. Photo Editing Benchmark scores from systems with Lightroom️ Classic 11.0 will be lower than scores from systems with Lightroom️ Classic 10.x.

UL Procyon v2.0.268 — October 29, 2021

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Added Virtualization-based Security (VBS) status to the System Information section of the benchmark result screen. 


  • Added the UL Procyon AI Inference Benchmark for Android devices to the My Suite screen. 
  • Exported PDF results from the Office Productivity Benchmark now include the workload sub-scores. 
  • The Options screen now displays the UL Procyon application version number. 


  • Fixed an issue that could result in incomplete monitoring data for some benchmark runs. 
  • Added a workaround to prevent pop-up windows from Microsoft Word’s AutoRecover feature interrupting the Office Productivity Benchmark.  
  • The Options screen now shows the Video Editing Benchmark version number when the application is in an unlicensed state. 
  • Fixed the “Write detailed log”’ setting on the Options screen. 

Known issues 

  • The UL Procyon Photo Editing Benchmark is not yet compatible with Adobe®️ Lightroom®️ Classic 11.0. This will be fixed in the next update. Please use Adobe️ Lightroom️ Classic 10.x if possible. 
  • The UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark is not yet compatible with Adobe®️ Premiere️®️ Pro 22. This will be fixed in the next update. Please use Adobe️ Premiere️ 15.x or 14.5 or later if possible.

UL Procyon v2.0.249 — October 18, 2021 

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. 


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Photo Editing Benchmark to return a score of zero as the result. 

UL Procyon v2.0.248 — October 11, 2021

This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected.


  • Added links to the UL Procyon user guide to several screens in the app. 
  • Added a support section to the Options screen. 
  • Changed the “Delete” option on the Results screen to “Remove” to make clear that results are only removed from the table view and not deleted from the system. 
  • You can now expand and collapse storage drive details in the System Information section of the result screen. 


  • The temporary backup file used in the Outlook test is now removed after running the benchmark when Outlook is using a language other than English. 
  • Added a missing status message to the benchmark progress panel.  
  • Added missing labels for storage device details to the System Information section of the result screen. 
  • Removed the nonfunctioning “Export as Excel” option from the Results screen. This feature is not yet ready for release. 
  • Removed the “Highlight differences” toggle from the Result Comparison screen. This feature is not yet ready for release. 

Known issues

  • The Photo Editing Benchmark may return a score of zero in some cases. This will be fixed in the next update.

UL Procyon v2.0.232— October 4, 2021 

This major update adds the Office Productivity Benchmark and a redesigned user interface for the Procyon application. 


  • UL Procyon Office Productivity Benchmark. 
  • Redesigned application user interface. 
  • You can now compare up to four results side by side in the app.

UL Procyon v1.0.183 — March 17, 2021


  • UL Procyon Photo Editing and Video Editing Benchmarks can now use Adobe Creative Cloud applications in all supported languages. The previous version required English-language Adobe apps.
  • The UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark is now compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro v.15.0.

UL Procyon v1.0.180 — January 29, 2021


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Photo Editing Benchmark from opening Adobe Lightroom Classic v10.1.1.

UL Procyon v1.0.172 — November 30, 2020

  • Launch version with Photo Editing Benchmark and Video Editing Benchmark.