The overall UL Procyon Video Editing Benchmark score is calculated from the Export score and a scaling constant used to bring the score in line with the traditional range for UL benchmarks. The higher the score, the better the performance.
Video Editing Benchmark score = K * Export score Where K = 1
Export score
Export score = K3 / geometric mean of VideoEditingExportH2641, VideoEditingExportH2642 VideoEditingExportH2651, VideoEditingExportH2652. Where K3 = 1565332
K3 is a scaling constant used to bring the score in line with the traditional range for UL benchmarks.
The Export score consists of the following results of measurements. All measurements are in seconds.
VideoEditingExportH2641 result
VideoEditingExportH2641 result = dbg_video_editing_run_time_export_h264_1
VideoEditingExportH2642 result
VideoEditingExportH2642 result = dbg_video_editing_run_time_export_h264_2
VideoEditingExportH2651 result
VideoEditingExportH2651 result = dbg_video_editing_run_time_export_h265_1
VideoEditingExportH2652 result
VideoEditingExportH2652 result= dbg_video_editing_run_time_export_h265_2
UL Procyon benchmarks use real applications whenever possible. Updates to those applications can affect your benchmark score. When comparing two or more systems, be sure to use the same version of each application on every system you test.