The application version number applies to the software as a whole. It changes often as we update the application to add new features and ensure compatibility with the latest hardware. We recommend using the latest application version.

A benchmark version number—for example, Photo Editing Benchmark v1.0—is specific to a test. Benchmark version numbers change rarely and only when absolutely necessary to accommodate changes in third-party applications or bug fixes.

AI Computer Vision for MacOS v2.1.33 — July 23, 2024

Please note that updates to inference engine runtimes impact results and should not be compared to results from previous workload versions. Results from the AI Inference Benchmark for MacOS from Procyon v2.1.33 or later are not comparable with results from earlier versions of Procyon. 


  • Overall runtime reduced from 3 minutes to 1 minute per model. This does not affect performance.
  • Updated the workload implementation from Python to Objective-C for lower overhead.
  • Updated the below listed models to use “ImageType” input. Refer to the documentation here:
    • MobileNetV3
    • InceptionV4
    • DeepLabV3
    • YOLOV3 

AI Computer Vision for MacOS v2.1.24 — April 4, 2024

This update is the release version of the AI Computer Vision for MacOS.