Your benchmark result contains a number of cards. Each card provides information about the performance of your device and how it compares with other devices.
The first card shows you your main score and any sub-scores.
3DMark also gives you much more. We use our extensive database of results to show you exactly where your device stands in terms of performance. Popular devices have tens of thousands of results from the real world, where 3DMark is often run under less than ideal conditions. These results provide a unique insight into your device’s everyday performance outside of the test lab.
Your score vs this model
This card shows you how your score compares with others from the same model. It helps you answer the question, "Is my score a good score for this device?" and "Is my device performing properly?"
The chart shows the range of scores for your device. The peaks show the most common scores from other people with the same model.
The shape of the chart tells you a lot about the performance of your device.
Looking at the chart below, for example, the peak shows the most common scores for the device. The higher the peak, the more results there are around that score value. In this case, you can see that all the results tend to fall in the same narrow range. This means the device performs consistently even when the benchmark is running under less than ideal conditions.
In the next chart, however, we see a different performance profile. There are four distinct peaks spread over a wide range of scores. A chart with this shape tells you that, even though the device can score nearly as well as the first device, it cannot perform to that level consistently in real-world use.
The rightmost peak (1) shows the score the device can achieve under ideal conditions. Peaks (2) and (3) tell you that this device slows down when hot or when multitasking. Many devices tend to reduce performance in steps, and those steps are visible in the chart. Lower scores may also come from devices running an older version of Android. The leftmost peak (4) shows you that the device's real-world performance can sometimes be far below the optimum.
These charts are available in the app for almost 5,000 smartphones and tablets. For each device, there is a separate chart for each benchmark test.
Your score vs popular devices
This card shows how your score compares with results from a selection of popular devices. Tap on a device above the chart to select it.
This card is a useful way to see how older phones compare with the latest models. It can help you decide if it is worth upgrading.
Your score vs all devices
This card shows you how your score compares with the results from all other devices. It helps you understand where your device sits in the market from budget models on the left to high-end on the right.
As with the other charts, the peaks show the most common score ranges for the test. In this case, since the chart shows results from all devices, the peaks tend to mark the performance of the most popular SoC models.
This card can be particularly helpful for seeing how older flagship phones compare with the latest models.
Performance monitoring
This card shows you what was happening inside your device during your benchmark run.
The data above the chart show the minimum and maximum values from your run. The chart shows you how those values changed during the run.
You can choose from a few pre-configured chart combinations, such as Battery and FPS, or create your own custom chart view.